What is Your Malfunction? – An Update

As I said in my previous post, my husband lordwelshi got a new gaming PC. It worked well for a few days before introducing us to the Red Screen of Death. It’s since had the graphics card replaced, but we’ve not had a lot of time to test it with the holiday weekend. As such, we’ve not played any co-op games in earnest for fear that the PC will just crash midway, which has happened a few times now.

In other news, I’ve picked up Elder Scrolls Online now that it has gone Buy-to-Play with the Tamriel Unlimited update. This is handy, since I already owned the game from launch! Some may remember my post on burning out on the game thanks to beta access. It seems a year was a good time to wait. They’ve done some updates and it seems fresher now, hence more enjoyable. I’m a little dismayed about stealing being introduced, as my old practice used to be running around Glenumbra, clearing out the houses, but it’s been balanced enough that I don’t need to do it. Damn, is it tempting though. And there isn’t much funnier than someone trying to steal from in the bank house, only to have the guard nearby absolutely demolish them before they can get out the door. It is a bit weird seeing dead NPCs on the floor when you walk into a place though… I’ll have to make a thief/assassin at some point, just to see how the system works. I don’t know whether it’d be a long-term thing though – I tend to shy away from that sort of character. Geeze, how am I going to survive GTA V?

Oh yeah, I’ve also pre-ordered GTA V for PC, coming out this month, April 15th! :D It sounds like they’ve pushed the boundaries on the graphics – I doubt many people will be able to run on max settings, actually. But mine should do well enough! It did Dragon Age: Inquisition okay, just not on full max there either. Worst comes to worst, I get a graphics card upgrade at some point soon. But I’m not going to bank on that just yet.

There is also a trip back to the States on the horizon! Lordwelshi and I will be taking a break in May to go visit my family. Lots of stuff planned! I’ll spare you the small details, but my hope is to splurge a little on games, such as PS3 and PSP games (region-free, whoo!). I’ve also found, through some ingenuity, that we have the ability to record PSP games! So there’s a possible of either Let’s Play or reviews from either of us on that front.

That’s all for now – not much else going on. Catch you later!

Eiman meme

Say hello to Eiman, a (rather stupid) Nord in Bleakrock Isle.